Cookies with coffee

 Well, I know this may sound very weird because eat cookies with coffee is not so "culinary", but I have some reasons to talk about this. When I began my first university career I been forced to find I job for some circumstances, and the first thing I got was a Part time job on Whittard (a shop where you can buy tea and coffee). The place used to been empty in the mornings, so we took advantage of that and ate breakfast during that time. We prepared coffee (the best one lol) and bought some cookies. I remember that because it was a very “chill” time, very relaxing before began the hard work, we laugh a lot, shared a lot of music and series, and I made some increible friends. I left the job one year later, and I never found a place like that again. Actually eat cookies and coffee (or milk) is very cool by itself, but for me, sometimes reminds me this awesome time, that in another kind of jobs would be impossible.  


  1. It's a great anecdote! And now that I read this, it's true that some meals remember good times from the past :)

  2. One of the best things in the life... Coffee <3

  3. i love coffee too, keeps me sane in this semester

  4. omg, is very nice when a good memory can be brought back so easily :)

  5. nothing is the same without a good coffee


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